Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Wile E. Coyote Country

June 12

Decisions, decisions.  The ride to Vegas yesterday was blazing effin’ hot.  I didn’t have to be in Phoenix until the 14th to meet my buddy Mike.  My awesome hotel room cost $54.  Maybe I should change my plans slightly and chill out another day (or two) in Vegas.

I had been to Grand Canyon before, but I had never been to Zion, and I always wanted to.  My original plan was to go to Zion via Area 51.  I recently learned that tripping to Area 51 is probably not worth it.  It’s a long hot ride out of the way, and down a gravel road to get a picture of a very anticlimactic sign that you can easily find on the internet.  Going any further than the sign gets you a personal greeting and interview from Captain America in a Humvee or something. 

So I thought if I cut Area 51 out of the plan I could get not only to Zion but also to Bryce Canyon, UT in a day.  Ok, Dave – out of bed.  Let’s go.

Packed up and leaving Bally's.  My filthy Road King
with camping gear looks so out of place here!

On my way out of Vegas I made my obligatory stop at the Las Vegas HD dealership.  I think it might be the biggest Harley dealership I’ve ever seen.

My Milton HOG vest usually is a conversation starter in the dealerships as I’m a long way from home.  However, I was outdone today.  I met these guys today from the Rome, Italy chapter who had come to Vegas to do a fly and ride.  I didn’t even know Italians rode Harleys – I thought only Ducati’s, Aprillia’s and Vespa’s!

"Terminator" and "Smoky".
(I was going to make up some names from
Super Mario Bros., but that would be in poor taste.)

Leaving Las Vegas, the scenery was pretty much like it had been on the way in and pretty hot, given that it was still morning.

However, crossing the border in to Arizona, the scenery gets a little more interesting.

I know it's blurry - but I got it!

Crossing into Utah, the scenery improves more, with more colours appearing in the rock.

I almost missed this sign but just barely got it!

Just before taking the turn off the (75 mph!) I-15 to highway 9, I stopped for gas and noticed oil leaking from my air cleaner down onto the rear pipe.  Fortunately the Zion HD dealer and service department was only a few miles down the road and they quickly checked it out for me.  It seems that Calgary HD probably slightly overfilled the engine oil when they changed it and the oil overflow is out the air intake.  If the oil level is marginally high, the leaking problems usually show up when its really hot out (not to mention setting the cruise to something slightly north of 75mph…).  So bottom line, not to worry if this happens, but I was able to ride on with peace of mind.  Thanks Zion HD!

Once I entered Zion National Park, the scenery was unbelievable and the roads were made for motorcycles.

You are charged $12 for a week's entry
whether you're staying or passing through

Decreasing radius turn taken a little too quickly.
Good thing for hot tires today!

Bonding with my pal at a rest stop between Zion and Bryce
The ride from Zion to Bryce was pleasant, and interesting enough.  However when I entered this town, of course I had to screech to a halt and take a picture or two.  For everyone reading this at work!

On the way to Bryce there is another smaller area called Red Canyon for obvious reasons.

Bryce is awesome too.  The roads weren’t as exciting as Zion but the scenery is great.  While Zion has the spectacular layered mountains, Bryce is full of hoodoos.

All in all, a great day and I’m glad I didn’t lounge in Vegas and miss all this.

Back to Arizona and the Grand Canyon tomorrow! 


  1. Amazing blog and great scenery. Can't wait until morning to read up on yesterday's activities. Keep up the great work!

  2. Hey Super Dave, wazzup man.

    My cellmate came across your blog a while back, and we been following your little adventure. Due to some unfortunate misunderstanding we have both been wrongfully incarcerated, but know that if we could just get someone to listen to us, that all of this could be cleared up. You seem like an understanding kind of guy, so that the reasun why we are asking for your help.

    We are both currently employed by the state cleaning up along the side of the hiway and helping to make Arizona beautiful for all you tourists. We'll be working along a stretch of the road between the canyon and Prescott on Thursday, and wondering if we could bum a ride from you down the road aways. Me and Earl will be wearing orange jump suits, so you can't miss us.

    So iffin ya see us, can you slow down and let us hop on?? No need to stop ...... best to keep the bike running and duck down low and tight in case our supervisor gets trigger happy.

    Hope to see you Thursday.

    Little Wayne.

  3. Sorry Little Wayne. Didn't ride that way. But I think my buddy Gord might be going that way once he decides to buy a Harley.

  4. Hi Dave...great Blog!
    Been a long time since we have chatted but just wanted to say that it sounds like a helluva trip and a great adventure. I have really enjoyed reading along with all the great stories from your trip.

    Doug K

  5. Thanks Doug! Off to New Mexico today!
