Friday, 15 June 2012

Take it Easy

June 14.

I was up again early, as I had big plans for the day.  Ultimately I would end up in Phoenix by the end of the day as my buddy Mike was flying in on a late flight to join me on this adventure.  But I did have a couple of options on how to get to Phoenix from Grand Canyon.

At last nights campfire (Coleman Naptha fire?), Mark and Missy had told me about the Meteor Crater that was off I-40, southeast of the Grand Canyon.  Just as the name would imply, a great big crater formed by a meteor thousands of years ago.  Well, I had never seen anything like that, and it wouldn't really take me too far out of my way.  It would also give me a chance to ride a bit more of Route 66, and visit Winslow, Arizona - made most famous in the Eagles song, Take it Easy.

After saying goodbye to my new friends from last night and having breakfast with Joe, I set off for Meteor Crater.

Leaving Grand Canyon 
Finding Meteor Crater is no problem - it is well signed off I-40 east of Flagstaff, and the exit is actually Meteor Crater Road.  Then you just look follow the road and look for the giant crater.  In actual fact there is a visitor centre, complete with museum, educational film and guided tours.

An awesome bit of fromage to add to my collection!

The edge of the crater can be seen in the distance - what you see is over a mile across.

As some additional perspective, if this bowl was a stadium,
 the flat part at the bottom could hold 20 football games
and the seating would hold two million spectators.

I'm not really sure why the space capsule was here.
Something else that had been in space?
All, in all, it was well worth the visit.  It's actually the best preserved and most studied meteor crater in the world.  A lot of the research that was done here has helped scientists better understand not only meteors, but also the workings of the solar system.

I also ran into Matt and Missy again in the gift shop as they had decided to visit today as well!

I got back onto the bike and headed off to Route 66 and Winslow.  The nicest Route 66 town I've seen yet!

"... such a fine sight to see.
There's a girl, my Lord, in a flatbed Ford, slowing down to take a look at me."

Winslow had a Route 66 Gift Shop too.

Great lunch in a little diner.  I dunno, I just liked the vibe of this picture.
 I left Winslow and took highway 87 all the way to Scottsdale.

After I left Winslow, this is all I saw for ages.  I think I saw
about three other cars in the span of 45 minutes.  Eerie.

Arizona is an incredible state.  It's amazing how the scenery
and eco-system can change so much in a short distance.

Getting back to desert, closer to Phoenix.
A look at some Saguaro cacti, unique in the world to this desert.
I know it's a blurry picture, but I will certainly get more tomorrow!
Heading east tomorrow with Mike.  After two weeks alone, it will be strange riding with a partner again!

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