Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Welcome to My Blog

Thanks for coming to visit....umm...join?.... follow?....read (?) my blog.  As you can tell, I've never done this before.

If you're reading this, it probably means you know I'm taking some serious time off work this summer and for part of it I'm taking an "Epic" motorcycle trip for several weeks through Canada and the US.  It also probably means you are mildly interested in following along with me on my adventure.

I was going to post pictures and comments on Facebook, but I've been informed by web experts (including my children) that Facebook isn't the way to do it.  A blog is the way to do it.

Since I don't really know what I'm doing, hopefully you'll cut me some slack.  I'll try to post some good photos and journal about what's going on day to day.


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